03 September 2010

birth [by the numbers]

Troy + Angie
Two home pregnancy tests
Many excited family members and friends
Too many oranges and carrots to count
9 months of scooping (and cleaning) the cats' litter box
24 hours (over 12 weeks) of Bradley classes (thanks Shanna!)
3 birthing movies/documentaries, including The Business of Being Born
One comprehensive reading through the Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy (and numerous revisits here and there)
One comprehensive reading of Husband-Coached Childbirth: The Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth
One reading through The Vaccine Book
Numerous hours doing "our" kegels, squats, butterflys and plevic rocking and practicing our relaxiation techniques
Numerous hours counting protein
12 OB appointments
2 ultrasounds
Transforming our office-space into a nursery
1 half-gallon of Hershey's Teaberry Ice Cream
A gazillion (or so it seemed) Hershey's ice pops
Countless hours (due to my OCD tendencies) researching cribs, crib mattresses, strollers, car seats and cloth diapers (just to name a few)
Many hours spent talking about, searching for and researching the meanings of different names
Competent and understanding advice from our OB physicians
About 12 hours of labor, including 2 1/2 hours of pushing
And one amazing design by our Creator God...

Culminates in the birth of our son, Tian Elliot

September 3, 2010 @ 9:24pm
8lbs 13.5oz, 19in
PinnacleHealth Hospital
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania