Currently Reading:
Story: Recapturing The Mystery
by Steven James
This is the story of God and His people told through narrative, poetry and scripture, all of which are intermixed perfectly, giving the reader the tools necessary to discover (or maybe rediscover) the beautiful mystery of our God.Currently Listening To:
David Crowder Band . A Collision
I truly cannot say enough about this album. It's uber-creative and just offers such a fresh take on what modern worship music should be. And they hit every emotion on this album -- from the heights of Here Is Our King to the heartfelt contemplation that explodes to exuberance in Come Awake.
Current Life Quote:
"Painting is easy when you don't know how, but very difficult when you do." -Edgar Degas
kind of like friendship, and marriage, and parenting, and life...
True, but it is with passion and desire that one is able to capture the beauty of life. Much like painting, our lives reflect the artistic brush of God. Not easy, sometimes hard and painful, and other times majestic, filled with grandeur and wonder.
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