The Lark Ascending...
From inside where you believe
Like it’s something that you need
Like it means everything
And I’m trying to make you feel
That this is for real, that life is happening
That it means everything
I’m just trying to make you sing
At this point in my life, I sense that this is my main calling -- to make people sing. Not to shove my morals, beliefs or personal truths down their throats, but to equip them with the tools they need to see morality, to believe in that which their souls crave and to discover the source of truth. A friend and fellow disciple recently observed that, at times, I let this deep desire (and gift from God) manifest itself in anger toward others who just aren't getting it, or simply refuse to sing. She's dead on in her observation.
In the beginning of the song that I've quoted above, Crowder is being interviewed by some guy on the phone. Throughout the interview, the guy keeps probing and asking all these follow-up questions because Crowder is not giving concrete answers. And Crowder isn't being aloof or anything, he's just struggling to help the guy see that the important answers in life are one's that come out of our own wrestling with the questions, not someone else's take on the problem. So as the interviewer continues to press him, the music and lyrics literally consume the interview. The guy conducting the interview probably told his friends that Crowder is a prick.
I can't speak for Crowder, but my guess is that, much like me, he's just trying to deal with the frustration of working out this calling we've been given by God and the weight of the responsibility for carrying such. I still have a lot to learn about truly loving people and getting a handle on this call of mine. But everyday I'm truly learning. And striving. And dying. And surrendering. Sincerely trying to lead by example. I've just got so much inside to say, because it is more real to me than anything else I've ever experienced.
In that sense, I guess I'm a lot like a lark -- small and fairly dull in appearance, with often extravagant songs and display flights as I rise into the heavens.
At the very least, that's my heart's desire.
a lark indeed!
keep flying bro, it inspires the rest of us to new heights!
In this New Year I asked "what does God have for us this coming year?" You have answered the make people sing and to continue to live out His call upon our lives... and as Steven James wrote to "sail between the stars" in faith of the wonder and mystery of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
And Troy your words sing deep into my spirit "I still have a lot to learn about truly loving people and getting a handle on this call of mine. But everyday I'm truly learning. And striving. And dying. And surrendering. Sincerely trying to lead by example. I've just got so much inside to say, because it is more real to me than anything else I've ever experienced."
May we continue on the journey of following hard after God.
Much love and respect to a fellow disciple and friend.
For what it is worth. I did not like the picture you used at first but just now I looked again and I see Jesus hanging on the cross with his mother on the bottom right and John on the bottom left. I still don't like it but at least it has meaning.
I would say that Jesus' willing surrender to the cross is one of the most beautiful "songs" and "display flights" humankind has ever known. I guess Jesus and the lark have a lot in common.
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