01 February 2007


I got nothing today. Actually, that's not true. I just think you need to read Stain over at Deep Calls. And if you happen to be "in the market" for some seriously deep, dramatically relevant, and beautifully true teaching, you need to be reading Deep Calls regularly.

Original artwork by Mark Rothko, Red, White and Brown [1957]
Reworked by troy. White Stain [2007]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Deep Calls...beautifully reflecting God and I ask Him...

"to give you a complete understanding of what he wants to do in your life, and we ask him to make you wise with spiritual wisdom. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord...May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father who has enabled you to share the inheritance that belongs to God's holy people, who live in the light. For he has rescued us from the one who rules in the kingdom of darkness, and he has brought us into the Kingdom of his dear Son. God has purchased our freedom with his blood and has forgiven all our sins. Col 1:9, 11-14